
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Discussion of Alfred Dolge at Little Falls Historical Society

From the Little Falls Times, April 13, 2015

Cooney to speak on new Alfred Dolge book

LITTLE FALLS – Little Falls native Michael Cooney will be joined by Herkimer County Historical Society Executive Director Susan Perkins for a presentation focused on Cooney's recent book, “Alfred Dolge.”

The presentation will take place at the Little Falls Historical Society's 7 p.m. meeting at the WCA at 534 Garden Street, Little Falls.

Perkins will open the presentation by providing much of the factual background of Dolge's eventful life while Cooney will address some of the reasons for the downfall of Dolge's various business enterprises in late-19th century Dolgeville.

By the 1880s, Dolge had established a complex industrial organization and envisioned a socialist utopia community in the small Herkimer County community that bears his name. However, by 1890, Dolge had fallen into bankruptcy and shortly thereafter moved his family to California.

The Perkins-Cooney presentation will be preceded by a business meeting of the Little Falls Historical Society. Light refreshments will be served after the presentation. All meetings of the Little Falls Historical Society are free and open to the public.


This will be a joint meeting with the Dolgeville-Manheim Historical Society. That group's president Bob Maxwell will also be part of the panel discussion and will be sharing some of the more portable Dolge memorabilia from their museum. As has been the practice for the past several years, the village of Dolgeville will feature a dramatization drawn from its founder's life during the annual Violet Festival, June 13-15, 2015.

The evening's program will be broadcast on the new Little Falls Community Radio.
Additional reading from this site:

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